Those were the sneakiest fish I ever didn't see. Snuck up and bagged me and my buddy and before we knew it we were half way into the bermuda triangle. Didn't hear a sound from em, quiet as death.
Included in this kit are an assortment of pieces pieces to mix and match for a whole squad of individualized mins~ And check back later and I will be adding a four arm option to this kit at a later date.
As always, all my kits are supported by the lovely Atlas3Dss. With the suit pre-plates set to make you a set of three SilverFish. Two small heads, with a sensor headed leader~ the latter having two weapon options to pick from post print. With the pre-plated files being based on the PhotonS build plate for convenience~ but if you want to do a little more customization, there's a bunch of bits in the kit for that~
Thanks as always,