
Released on: May 1, 2023
Created by PiperMakes

With the V.2 update we bring the Kaluga Frame up to date with the current offerings. Updated balljoint shoulders and elbows, undermounted weapons, magnitization, the works~

Every Kaluga pattern Sturgeon is outfitted with an extremely loud external speaker so that it goes *Nyooooom* every time it passes an enemy on the battlefield. Or something like that idk. A highly mobile assault platform, commonly found screaming across the wastes, sublimating the enemy. S'brutal stuff.

This kit is something I've been waiting to do since I modeled the StarFish. And I'm *very* excited to bring it to you! There's a bunch of optional pieces to tweak, and almost everything is compatible with the Beluga and Sturgeon kits.

Files supported by Atlas3DSS, and pre-plated by me~


2pi Operator Pilot: https://printedwargames.com/shop/product/2pi-operators/