With the V.2 update we bring the Kaluga Frame up to date with the current offerings. Updated balljoint shoulders and elbows, undermounted weapons, magnitization, the works~
Every Kaluga pattern Sturgeon is outfitted with an extremely loud external speaker so that it goes *Nyooooom* every time it passes an enemy on the battlefield. Or something like that idk. A highly mobile assault platform, commonly found screaming across the wastes, sublimating the enemy. S'brutal stuff.
This kit is something I've been waiting to do since I modeled the StarFish. And I'm *very* excited to bring it to you! There's a bunch of optional pieces to tweak, and almost everything is compatible with the Beluga and Sturgeon kits.
Files supported by Atlas3DSS, and pre-plated by me~
2pi Operator Pilot: https://printedwargames.com/shop/product/2pi-operators/